John Blythe d.1617

From Book Owners Online

John BLYTHE or BLITHE d.1617

Biographical Note

Born at Elm, Cambridgeshire. BA Peterhouse, Cambridge 1583, MA and fellow 1587. Vicar of Impington, Cambridgeshire 1588.


Blythe bequeathed money to Peterhouse to buy books, and also to Sara Giles, his "little god-daughter" to buy a specified list of devotional titles. His will has no mention of books owned by him; the residue of his estate went to his brother Adam.


  • Blythe's will, Cambridge University Library, Vice-Chancellor's Court Wills, 1617.
  • Walker, T. A. A biographical register of Peterhouse men, part II, 1930, 49.