Searching and Browsing

From Book Owners Online
Revision as of 05:35, 10 August 2020 by Matthew Symonds (talk | contribs)

Book Owners Online is built using the software which underpins Wikipedia, and works in broadly similar ways. Furthermore, each entry has been marked up in a semi-structured, semantic manner, allowing for more complex searches of entries and the ability to browse the directory in a number of different ways.


Simple searches can be undertaken by using the search box, which can be found in the top right corner of every page.

Semantic Search

Advanced users may construct queries of the BOO dataset using the Semantic Search tool.


Semantic markup also allows users to browse entries in the database by way of Categories and Properties.

Categories flag each entry with a number headings reflecting the background of the owner (academic, aristocracy, schoolmaster, etc), kinds of ownership marking (e.g. armorial stamps, bookplates), and ways in which libraries were bequeathed or dispersed (e.g. given to parishes or institutions, sold by auction).

To see one alphabetical list of all the entries in the database, use the category All Owners.

Additionally, each entry include has been marked up to capture a number of properties, such as names, dates of birth and death, occupations, and locations. The values of these properties has been standardised.

For example, to see a standardised list of the languages in which individuals have collected books, use the property Language.

To see a list of the subjects of which individuals have collected books, use the property Subject.

Where entries contain references to names which also have their own pages in the database, crossreferences are added as dynamic links to move easily between the pages.


The Navigation button on the top left of every page includes